Hello and welcome to my humble corner of the internet

A Little about me:

A life long learner, constantly learning new skills in web development. While persuing my bachleors degree in Computer Science, from Queens, NYC I have also been learning from less converional methods such as from the popular self paced website FreeCodeCamp learing more about everything from Resposive Web Design to React.js.

Apart from just learning about web development, I have put what i have learned into practice and worked on projects to gain first hand experience with coding projects building them from the bottom up, With most of my projects involving modern web technologies such as React.js, Node.js, etc.

My Skills and Tools

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React JS

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Node JS

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Random Quote Generator

A React based web site that displaying random quotes from inspiring individuals from Albert Einstein to Albus Dumbledore






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Drum Soundboard

A Drum sound board built using the React hooks and bootstrap, with sound files provided from freeCodeCamp






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Markdown Previewer

A markdown previewer that converts github styled markdown text into html using the marked library






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25+5 Clock

A productivity based clock to focus for 25 minutes then take a 5 minute break




